Compiling DSDoom

The port of Doom on the Nintendo DS was an amazing project. I used to play the original game quite a lot, and being able to run it again on my DS is like going back in time :)

Even if the game is pretty much running as it is, the project does not seem to be under active developement anymore.

Since I wanted to learn a little bit more about NDS programming I decided to try and compile DSDoom from source. The devkitPro toolchain contains everything needed to start homebrew developement on the DS.

Since the DSDoom code was last revised in 2007, the source won’t compile anymore with the latest devKitPro release (r23). I managed to have the code compile and run again even though sound and wireless are not working right now. I planned to do some fancy stuff with this game but I soon realized I won’t have time for it, so I decided I was satisfied enough in having it compiling right :)

Donwload DSDoom sources for devKitPro r23 here.


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