Vtk Python scripting in Omegalib

Since its early versions, omegalib offered a front-end for vtk. Vtk is a very powerful scientific visualization framework based on the assembly of processing and rendering components into a pipeline. Vtk supports python scripting, but up to now vtk/omegalib applications could only be created in C++. With its last update, The omegaVtk module supports running python vtk scripts on all platforms (Windows, Linux, OSX). Existing vtk python scripts can very easily be converted to run in omegalib. You just need to attach vtk Actors to omegalib scene nodes (more info here). It is also possible to attach vtk actors and OpenSceneGraph objects to the same node to overlay them.

vtk scripting deeply simplifies the creation of scientific visualization tools with omegalib. omegaVtk also plays nice with other modules: write a bit of python and XML to create a web interface for your pipeline with porthole; ore use the rift module and explore your visualization with the Oculus Rift!


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